ETHNews: G20’s Closing Statements On Cryptocurrency And Blockchain
Wednesday, 21 March 2018 00:10
The G20 summit in Argentina closed its session with a directive for future development of crypto-asset and blockchain standards, protections, and innovation.
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ETHNews: US Treasury Could Add Cryptocurrency Wallet Addresses To Sanctions List
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 23:46
The Treasury has laid the groundwork to add specific wallet address to its SDN List, but the efficacy of the department’s approach is questionable.
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ETHNews: Did Russia Help Create The Venezuelan Petro To Undermine US Sanctions?
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 23:29
Russian officials and businessmen were reportedly instrumental in helping Venezuela create its oil-backed petro cryptocurrency. If true, the interference was likely intended to erode US sanctions that have afflicted Russia since 2014.
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ETHNews: France’s Le Maire Places Cryptocurrency Regulation ‘At Heart’ Of G20 Discussions
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 19:54
France’s minister of finance published an op-ed today, highlighting France’s crypto-related ambitions. He used very enthusiastic language and likely timed the publication to coincide with today’s G20 meeting of central bankers.
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ETHNews: G20 Summit Attendees Largely Agree That Cryptocurrencies Are Assets
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 18:13
Financial authorities currently attending the 2018 G20 Buenos Aires summit are reportedly nearing a consensus on the position that cryptocurrencies are assets.
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ETHNews: FTC Creates Blockchain Working Group
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 18:16
On Friday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) established a blockchain working group, which will facilitate external coordination on enforcement actions among other responsibilities.
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Sweetbridge: Byline in SCD: Breaking counterfeit: Validating supply chains using blockchain
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 17:49
Supply Chain Digital — Feature article from Scott Nelson highlights the need for transparency into a global ledger for product authenticity and ethical trade[Excerpt from the Supply Chain Digital article March 15, 2018] It’s an unfortunate truth, but we’ve all inadvertently purchased a counterfeit product at one point in our…
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ETHNews: Coca-Cola, US State Department Consider Blockchain For Labor Registry
Monday, 19 March 2018 23:21
On Friday, at SXSW, Coca-Cola shared that the company will collaborate with the US State Department, Blockchain Trust Accelerator, and Bitfury to create a blockchain pilot to clamp down on forced labor and exploitation.
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ETHNews: Incoming PBoC Governor Has Spoken Positively On Bitcoin
Monday, 19 March 2018 22:24
The People’s Bank of China has a new governor, Yi Gang. In the past, Yi has used positive terms to describe bitcoin.
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ETHNews: FSB Chairman To G20 Summit In Argentina: ‘Crypto-Assets Do Not Pose Risks’
Monday, 19 March 2018 20:18
The central bankers and finance ministers of G20 member nations are meeting today and tomorrow in Buenos Aries to discuss the future of the global economy. Talks will include cryptocurrency and associated regulations.
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