Sweetbridge: Byline in SCD: Breaking counterfeit: Validating supply chains using blockchain
Supply Chain Digital — Feature article from Scott Nelson highlights the need for transparency into a global ledger for product authenticity and ethical trade[Excerpt from the Supply Chain Digital article March 15, 2018] It’s an unfortunate truth, but we’ve all inadvertently purchased a counterfeit product at one point in our lives. The modern consumer market is saturated with them. In recent years, counterfeit manufacturers have entered big-name online retailers looking to make a profit from reproducing, and then selling, knock-off versions of our favorite brands.And, unbeknownst to us, we buy them, often at a premium, with little to no way of verifying their authenticity. In fact, counterfeit and pirated products are projected to drain $4.2trn from the global economy, and will put 5.4mn legitimate jobs at risk by 2022, according to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)…Read the whole story in Supply Chain Digital here: http://www.supplychaindigital.com/procurement/breaking-counterfeit-validating-supply-chains-using-blockchainImage source: Wikimedia Commons.Breaking counterfeit: Validating supply chains using blockchainAlso see this great recent story in Strategic Sourcerer mentioning the above byline:Strategic Sourceror: State Department Supply Chain Project Targets Forced LaborThe Strategic Sourceror: State Department supply chain project targets forced laborByline in SCD: Breaking counterfeit: Validating supply chains using blockchain was originally published in Sweetbridge on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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