According to reports, Twitter will soon revise its policies to prohibit advertisements for cryptocurrency wallet providers and initial coin offerings (ICOs).
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Japan’s Financial Services Agency has hosted a closed-door meeting between financial authorities and blockchain stakeholders from around the globe. Attendees discussed issues relating to security, consumer protection, and more.
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On Monday, President Trump signed an executive order prohibiting American usage of or investment in the petro.
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ETHNews: Staying The Ethereum Course

Friday, 16 March 2018 17:44
A recent surge of negative blockchain publicity has coincided with a plunge in cryptocurrency’s total market capitalization, after having surpassed $800 billion in the first week of 2018. Is blockchain technology truly overhyped or is Ethereum on the path to busting the decentralized floodgates of mass adoption…
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ETHNews: What Is Hashgraph?

Thursday, 15 March 2018 18:44
ETHNews explains the tech behind an emerging, non-blockchain distributed ledger technology: hashgraph.
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“Innovators who seek to revolutionize and disrupt an industry must tell investors the truth about what their technology can do today, not just what they hope it might do someday.”
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While individual blockchain endeavors have spun up from Lithuania to Switzerland, there is an effort to create a far-reaching blockchain that will span Europe.
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Municipal power authorities in upstate New York have received permission to charge certain cryptocurrency mining enterprises higher rates for the use of their electricity than they charge other customers.
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A Royal bank Of Canada patent application released yesterday depicts a blockchain platform that records credit records and uses historical and predictive data to compute credit ratings.
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The United States Congress Joint Economic Committee has released its annual economic report which – for the first time – contains significant mention of cryptocurrency as well as related trends and technology.
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