ETHNews: Thomson Reuters Follows Bitcoin Sentiment With News, Social Media Tracker
Monday, 12 March 2018 19:54
On Monday, Thomson Reuters announced the launch of a “sentiment data feed” for bitcoin in version 3.0 of its MarketPsych Indices.
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ETHNews: EBA Chair Not ‘Convinced’ Of Need For Extensive Cryptocurrency Regulation
Monday, 12 March 2018 21:32
The chairperson of the European Banking Authority says he is not yet convinced that cryptocurrency regulation in the Eurozone would be a good idea. He fears that such interference from governments could get in the way of important innovation.
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ETHNews: EU Commissioner: Cryptocurrency Mining Subject To Standard Energy Regulation
Monday, 12 March 2018 22:19
Regardless of its massive electricity demands, cryptocurrency mining is captured under normal EU regulation, explained European Commissioner Mariya Gabriel on Friday. Gabriel called cryptocurrencies a “new factor driving energy demand,” which will be “kept under review” by the European Commission.
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ETHNews: Financial Services Committee Hears Testimony On Cryptocurrencies, ICOs
Wednesday, 14 March 2018 22:20
On Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee heard testimony from a collection of cryptocurrency professionals. In addition to addressing concerns about investor speculation, witnesses provided their thoughts on the patchwork of existing regulations. They seemed to possess a shared goal: protecting investors without stifling innovation. However, witnesses…
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ETHNews: Is Google Quietly Cutting Out Crypto Ads?
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 20:29
What do the FBI and Canada’s Binary Options Task Force have in common? When it comes to recent activity at Google, the duo might be responsible for causing an in-house backlash against cryptocurrency advertising.
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ETHNews: IBM Executives Highlight Blockchain Technology At Annual Investor Briefing
Wednesday, 14 March 2018 21:59
IBM recently held its annual Investor Day briefing, where top-level executives highlighted blockchain as fundamental to its future business initiatives.
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ETHNews: State-Issued Cryptocurrencies Could ‘Revolutionize’ Role Of Central Banks, Says BIS
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 21:43
The “bank for central banks” has released a paper on the possible impact of state-issued cryptocurrencies, as well as arguments for and against the introduction of such monetary instruments. Pros include easier AML compliance, while cons include threats to commercial banks’ business models.
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ETHNews: Japan Adds Voice To Growing Chorus Of Nations Seeking Cryptocurrency Discussion At G20
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 22:49
Central bankers and finance ministers of the G20 will gather in Buenos Aires next week. An increasing number of member nations have been calling for the international forum to address the use of cryptocurrency for money laundering.
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ETHNews: Dutch Finance Minister Addresses Cryptocurrency Regulation In Letter To Parliament
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 23:17
This month, the Dutch finance minister remarked upon cryptocurrency regulation in the Netherlands and the European Union.
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ETHNews: National Blockchain Standards Take Shape In China
Tuesday, 13 March 2018 23:56
China is taking the experience of participating in the creation of international blockchain standards and applying that knowledge domestically.
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