ChainLink is predicted to increase 12.43% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $10.40 per LINK. Check out today's ChainLink price prediction to learn why.
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Bitcoin is predicted to increase 11.53% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $26,395 per BTC. Check out today's Bitcoin price prediction to learn why.
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A 29-year old man who is allegedly a developer of the Tornado Cash protocol, has been arrested by Dutch authorities in Amsterdam. FIOD says the individual is suspected of “involvement in concealing criminal financial flows and facilitating money laundering through the mixing of cryptocurrencies through the decentralized Ethereum…
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Dogecoin is predicted to increase 9.83% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $0.077503 per DOGE. Check out today's Dogecoin price prediction to learn why.
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Aave is predicted to increase 35.74% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $151.64 per AAVE. Check out today's Aave price prediction to learn why.
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Helium is predicted to increase 9.38% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $9.38 per HNT. Check out today's Helium price prediction to learn why.
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Celsius Network is predicted to increase 13.38% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $2.87 per CEL. Check out today's Celsius Network price prediction to learn why.
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Chiliz is predicted to increase 13.42% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $0.185070 per CHZ. Check out today's Chiliz price prediction to learn why.
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SHIBA INU is predicted to increase 14.92% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $0.000015 per SHIB. Check out today's SHIBA INU price prediction to learn why.
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Near Protocol is predicted to increase 36.41% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $8.14 per NEAR. Check out today's Near Protocol price prediction to learn why.
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