Ethereum Classic is predicted to increase 29.89% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $56.29 per ETC. Check out today's Ethereum Classic price prediction to learn why.
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Monero is predicted to increase 9.16% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $177.85 per XMR. Check out today's Monero price prediction to learn why.
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Compound Dai is predicted to increase 8.65% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $0.023824 per cDAI. Check out today's Compound Dai price prediction to learn why.
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Compound Ether is predicted to increase 18.75% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $44.81 per cETH. Check out today's Compound Ether price prediction to learn why.
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Quant is predicted to increase 25.82% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $156.22 per QNT. Check out today's Quant price prediction to learn why.
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Flow is predicted to increase 15.74% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $3.42 per FLOW. Check out today's Flow price prediction to learn why.
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FTX Token is predicted to increase 21.27% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $37.02 per FTT. Check out today's FTX Token price prediction to learn why.
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Filecoin is predicted to increase 14.74% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $9.76 per FIL. Check out today's Filecoin price prediction to learn why.
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OKB is predicted to increase 19.63% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $22.23 per OKB. Check out today's OKB price prediction to learn why.
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Cosmos is predicted to increase 22.21% in the next 5 days and hit a price target of $14.29 per ATOM. Check out today's Cosmos price prediction to learn why.
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