About Us
Thursday, 15 March 2018 21:56
I started and built ChainJunkies in 2018. I had been running a couple of sports (whitewater) websites since 1996, and had already developed some unique services for that niche community. I became interested in Bitcoin in 2013, and have been trying to closely follow all crypto new…
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Disclaimer: As a news and information platform, also aggregate headlines from other sites, and republish small text snippets and images. We always link to original content on other sites, and thus follow a 'Fair Use' policy. For further content, we take great care to only publish original material, but since part of the content is user generated, we cannot guarantee this 100%. If you believe we violate this policy in any particular case, please contact us and we'll take appropriate action immediately.
Our main goal is to make crypto grow by making news and information more accessible for the masses.
Our main goal is to make crypto grow by making news and information more accessible for the masses.