The Coin Shark: Cryptocurrency Prices Today, April 22: BTC Has Fixed At The Position of $5200

  • Monday, 22 April 2019 09:47
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Litecoin, Cardano, Stellar, IOTA, Dash, Monero: cryptocurrency rate According to the Coin360 online platform, Bitcoin (BTC) lost 0.33% over the past 24 hours. The price at the time of writing is $5273 per coin.The remaining cryptocurrencies demonstrate both growth and decline: Bitcoin Cash lost 0.4%, Bitcoin SV minus 0.02% over the past day, and cost respectively $292 and $58 per coin;Ripple added 1.2% and costs $0.32;EOS lost 0.69% and its price is $5.18;Litecoin decreased by 3.4% and its price is $66;Cardano grew by 2.4% and its cost is $0.075;Stellar lost 0.04% and costs $0.11;IOTA fell by  0.2% and its cost is $0.30;Dash increased by 1.4% and its price is $121;Monero became more expensive by 0.7% and costs $68. Over the past 24 hours, according to the p2pb2b exchange, Ethereum has lost 0.52%. The rate of the coin is $168.The total market capitalization is $178 billion. Bitcoin accounts for 52.6% of the total. In monetary terms, it is $93 billion. Subscribe to The Coin Shark news in Facebook:

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