One Minute Economics: What Could Replace the Dollar? Potential USD Alternatives (Gold, Currencies, etc.) in One Minute

  • Sunday, 02 August 2020 21:19
In light of the fact that the dollar hasn't performed all that well after the let's call it post-March recovery, some market participants have more or less publicly wondered what could replace the dollar as the number one currency out there. Even if you do not consider USD replacement scenarios realistic at this point in time, it makes sense to at least spend a bit of time thinking about dollar alternatives as a creativity exercise. In one minute, we'll be doing just that by analyzing gold, another currency or other currencies as well as other USD alternatives in order to figure out how things stand at this point in terms of contenders. Realistically speaking, a currency doesn't lose its reserve status overnight but just as realistically or if you will historically speaking, the reserve status in question is hardly permanent, with once-powerful currencies now representing nothing more than chapters in economic history books, as explained in this video. As such, even if you don't think that let's say gold or a basket of currencies will replace the US dollar anytime soon, at the very least allocating some brainpower toward analyzing potential scenarios might not be the worst idea in the world :)

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