WallStForMainSt: Trump's Economic Advisor Says Budget Deficits & Supply Side Economic Stimulus Is Deflationary?
Yesterday, one of President Trump's economic advisors, Kevin Hassett, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, gave a press conference at the White House about the President's tax cuts, budget deficits and update on the economy. Here's the full transcript from the press conference: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/press-briefing-principal-deputy-press-secretary-raj-shah-chairman-council-economic-advisers-kevin-hassett-02222018/
During the press conference, Hassett was asked by a reporter about inflation:
"Q: Can you address some of the critics who say that the economic policies of this President may lead to greater inflation?
MR. HASSETT: Yeah, that’s right — that’s something that people are concerned about. And, certainly, there’s been some inflation data that has caused some pause for markets, some concerns for markets.
Our view is that most of our policies are going to create growth for the economy on the supply side, and that when the supply-side growth comes, then that’s actually good for inflation, because if you increase supply, it puts downward pressure on prices. "
None of the press covering this press conference mentioned how Hassett stated (incorrectly) that massive supply side economic stimulus and large budget deficits are actually deflationary.
Here's one article summarizing the press conference: https://ijr.com/2018/02/1069415-economic-expert-confidant-in-trumps-plan-for-continued-growth/
During the Ronald Reagan administration, supply side economics was used but the US was still a credit nation and it's national debt was orders of magnitude smaller than now.
Trump and his economic advisors admitting they are using massive amounts of supply side economic stimulus will most likely result in a lot worse stagflation in the future.
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