The Dollar Vigilante: The War On Drugs Is A War On People And Needs To End

  • Thursday, 06 June 2019 12:47
The War On Drugs Is A War On People And Needs To End - Jeff Berwick on The Johnny Rocket Podcast Tickets for Anarchapulco 2020 available now at: Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante here: Original interview on Launchpad Media: Topics include: consequences of the war on drugs, the demonization of substances vs the reality, Jeff's experimentations, health effects of cannabis, drug free highs, alcohol the worst drug, evils of prohibition, gangs are a result of drug prohibition, environmental benefits of industrial hemp, who profits from drug prohibition, the law is the real criminal when it comes to victimless crime, golden rule and N.A.P.government revenue from drug prohibition, the failure of democracy

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