Node Investor: Markets Are Strong but we're getting close to Key Resistance Levels | Quick Update on BTC & LTC

  • Thursday, 15 February 2018 08:56
Is it time to lock in the gains from this recent rally off the lows? I share my thoughts on where we could go next. Long term I think Bitcoin still looks good but near term, we may see some consolidation in the coming days. Quick update on the charts for Bitcoin & Litecoin. LEARN HOW TO READ THE CHARTS! Check out my 4-Hour video course that covers the following topics: Understanding chart basics Candlesticks versus Line & Bar Charts Setting up your chart views 9 common chart patterns & what they mean 5 Key technical indicators to use Reading Bases & break outs Automating your trading and setting up watch lists Risk Management More info at: Follow me on Twitter @nodeinvestor BTC LTC Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis

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