WallStForMainSt: Janet Yellen Successfully Got Out Before The Next Major Stock Market Crash & Global Financial Crisis
Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen claims to have wanted a second term at the Fed https://www.donate.jta.org/2018/02/05/news-opinion/politics/outgoing-fed-chair-janet-yellen-joins-fiscal-think-tank/amp
Instead of a 2nd term at the Fed, Janet Yellen is joining globalist think tank Brookings Institution in DC. https://www.brookings.edu/news-releases/federal-reserve-chair-janet-l-yellen-to-join-economic-studies-at-brookings/
Yellen will join Brookings as a Distinguished Fellow in Residence with the Economic Studies program probably making a hefty 6 figure salary with other 6 figure speaking fees like Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan to go along with her 3-4 pension plans her and high net worth over $10 million that her and her husband already share. http://fortune.com/2018/02/05/janet-yellen-federal-reserve-brookings/
But, it will probably be a blessing in disguise for her that she didn't get a second term as her successor, Jerome "Jay" Powell will have to figure out whether the Fed should increase interest rates 3 times in 2018 and to try to reduce the Fed's balance sheet.
Do you think the Fed will hike rates 3 times in 2018? Do you think the Fed will significantly reduce its balance sheet in 2018?
Despite, Yellen saying in 2017 that she wanted to reduce the Fed's balance sheet substantially, it has not been reduced at all yet according to data on the St. Louis Fed website https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/WALCL
Jason also talks about how despite the recent stock market correction the last 2-3 weeks that the more likely time frame for the next global financial crisis is 2019 or 2020 because the US Treasury has delayed borrowing $1.2 trillion dollars more for a few years now and will have to go back to the debt markets to borrow a lot more probably starting next year.
Besides Janet Yellen leaving, there's a high probability that the heads of the ECB, Bank of England and PBOC will also all be gone by 2019 or sooner.
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