Anders Kargaard: ICOs are about to be replaced - scam window is closing

  • Sunday, 17 June 2018 20:28
Friends and Sponsors of the show: - learn math and programming by programming a robot to solve tasks - one of the leading decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. Decentralized gives you the advantage that your name is not in a database for someone to hack and sell to dark markets for shopping list. ICO's are doing what has always been done. Raising money to supposedly build something (yeah right). But this is taking the old worlds way of thinking into the crypto world. This is doomed to fail for two reasons: 1) There is NOTHING to stop the founders legally or technically from running away with your money 2) They already have the money, so why would they be motivated anymore? My Bitcoin Meetup group in Century City Los Angeles: You can find me on Twitter here: DISCLAIMER: None of what I say is investment advice. This is only meant to entertain and educate you.

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