Marc De Mesel: Another 10% Invested in $TSLA
Why I believe so much in Tesla and some price comments. Price found low at $177 allowing me to add another 10% @ $180, to 30% total, but then went up strong yesterday to $194. Won't be discouraged by rising prices and try to make sure I get my full position of 50% so that all my cash is invested, but do so with half on margin (25% portfolio, and therefore have -25% margin loan) so that I still have half my cash free in open orders to buy crypto if it drops a lot.
Think this is a great backup plan as crypto may of course not fall a lot in which case I won't be buying it, but I also did not miss this amazing opportunity, so different from crypto, much lower risk and also great potential. It does however mean, if Tesla goes down, I have less cash to invest in crypto, but if Tesla goes up while crypto down next half year, I have more cash to invest in crypto, which seems most probable scenario.
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