ETHNews: UK And US Government Websites Infected With Mining Malware
Monday, 12 February 2018 20:14
Over the weekend, a piece of malware embedded in software designed to help those with difficulty reading led to thousands of websites mining cryptocurrency, some of which were operated by government organizations.
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ETHNews: European Supervisory Authorities Issue Consumer Warning Regarding Cryptocurrency
Monday, 12 February 2018 19:46
On Monday, the regulatory trio that makes up the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) issued a warning about the financial dangers inherent in virtual currency ownership.
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ETHNews: Bank of Thailand Bars Financial Institutions From Range Of Cryptocurrency Activities
Monday, 12 February 2018 18:57
Thailand’s central bank has instructed financial institutions in the country not to engage in a variety of practices relating to cryptocurrency, including investing in them and facilitating their trade.
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ETHNews: Possible Miner Bribing Schemes Via Ethereum Contracts
Friday, 09 February 2018 19:19
ETHNews' Adam Reese does a deep dive into the technical implications of a recent paper that outlined three types of EDCCs that could, theoretically, be used to bribe Ether miners to change their behavior in ways that benefit the briber. This article describes the three schemes and…
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ETHNews: Gov’t-Issued Cryptocurrency Mentioned In NY Bill Would Be Bond-Backed
Friday, 09 February 2018 23:25
A bill submitted to the New York State Assembly would convene a taskforce to explore the ramifications of the state issuing its own cryptocurrency. Through a conversation with the bill’s sponsor, ETHNews has learned that the digital asset described in the legislation would be backed by bonds…
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ETHNews: Making Sense Of MyEtherWallet And MyCrypto
Friday, 09 February 2018 23:18
After the announcement that MyEtherWallet’s Twitter account would become “MyCrypto” and that a new wallet service of the same name would be launched, many were left with questions.
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ETHNews: Hong Kong SFC Sends Letters To Exchanges And ICO Issuers In Cryptocurrency Crackdown
Friday, 09 February 2018 21:33
The Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong has sent advisory letters to cryptocurrency exchanges and ICO issuers in or connected to Hong Kong. They serve as a reminder that in the eyes of regulators, the line for securities compliance has already been drawn and bending it…
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ETHNews: French And German Central Bankers, Finance Ministers Want G20 Discussion Of Cryptocurrency
Friday, 09 February 2018 22:04
In a joint letter to the finance minister of Argentina, the central bank governors and finance ministers of France and Germany made several requests related to the cryptocurrency markets and the upcoming G20 meetings.
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ETHNews: Federal Reserve Officials Question Viability Of Stateless Digital Currency
Friday, 09 February 2018 19:42
This week, officials and economists from the Federal Reserve System expressed doubts about the practicality of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
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ETHNews: Bill In US Senate Calls For Cryptocurrency Terror Threat Assessment
Friday, 09 February 2018 18:55
A bill currently in the US Senate would call on federal personnel, including from the Department of Homeland Security, to develop and share with other law enforcement bodies a threat assessment describing how cryptocurrencies could be used to support terrorist activity.
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