Although it has been reported by several outlets that Walmart was just awarded a patent on a blockchain-based method and system for managing demand on an electric grid, there is no such news to report. Here’s what we actually know.
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Hearings began Thursday in the case against My Big Coin, the cryptocurrency company that the CFTC has accused of defrauding investors of $6 million. But the attorneys for My Big Coin claim the CFTC has no authority to regulate the cryptocurrency company.
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Ripple, the cryptocurrency answer to the real-time remittance, payment, and settlement problem, admits that a blockchain global payment solution may not be ready for prime time.
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In this era of globalization, the use of blockchain technology is creating a lot of noise. Many huge companies, even conservative ones are jumping on the blockchain train. Companies are preparing for change, not just for fear of being left out but really for actual business improvement…
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Now that cryptocurrency laws and regulations have been put into place, Thailand’s SEC is ready to approve ICO fundraising.
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Today the New York Department of Financial Services announced it has granted a BitLicense to Xapo and authorized settlement platform Paxos to expand the scope of its services.
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Investors in Quantstamp have been questioning why the company is accepting payments in currencies other than QSP, its native token.
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A recent report asserts that the digital assets are not a threat to the country's financial stability but that international efforts should be made to curtail money laundering and terrorist financing.
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In an effort to curtail potential money laundering, the embattled crypto project Tezos will require all investors to provide personal data to access their accounts.
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It was revealed that the Reserve Bank of India had no research-based justification for initiating its banking ban against cryptocurrency businesses. Was the ban influenced by prejudicial decision-making or negative press?
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