ETHNews: Warren Buffett And Bill Gates Denounce Bitcoin
Monday, 07 May 2018 20:09
A few billionaire buddies were asked for their opinions on bitcoin. Holders won’t like what they had to say.
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ETHNews: Japan Imposes Strict New Standards To Prevent Cryptocurrency Theft
Monday, 07 May 2018 20:41
The Japanese Financial Services Agency is to introduce tighter controls for cryptocurrency exchanges in order to prevent a repeat of the $500 million Coincheck hack of January 2018.
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ETHNews: Interoperability: Sidechain POA Network To Bridge To Ethereum Mainnet
Friday, 04 May 2018 21:17
Last week, POA announced a launch date for its cross-blockchain bridge – a step toward what it calls the ‘Internet of Blockchains.’ Here's how it works.
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ETHNews: A Notch In The Blockchain: Gender's Immutable Record
Friday, 04 May 2018 22:14
In a search for justice, technology is an answer – an incomplete answer – to the question of what is right.
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ETHNews: Hyperloop TT Envisions A Transportation System Made ‘Frictionless’ By Blockchain Technology
Saturday, 05 May 2018 00:13
Bibop Gresta, the chairman of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies, recently told ETHNews about his company’s plans for blockchain technology.
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Dash: Dash Core Group Inc. Q1 2018 Summary Call
Friday, 04 May 2018 15:41
Dash Core Group Inc. quarterly call to present project progress made during Q1 2018, summarise Core Team activities and answer your questions.
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ETHNews: Revisiting The CFTC-Andreessen Horowitz Podcast Episode
Friday, 04 May 2018 23:31
In January, Andreessen Horowitz general partner Alex Rampell joined the CFTC’s Daniel Gorfine and Andy Busch for a conversation about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs. With regulatory discussions just around the corner, ETHNews extracted some gems from that episode. Here’s what we found.
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ETHNews: India Sees Rise In Cryptocurrency Trading Volumes Despite Ban
Friday, 04 May 2018 23:18
Investors could be taking advantage of a three-month window before a Reserve Bank of India cryptocurrency ban comes into place.
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Sweetbridge: Byline in Investing: ‘Is More Cryptocurrency And ICO Regulation Necessary?’
Friday, 04 May 2018 17:01
Sweetbridge CEO Scott Nelson takes part in conversation regarding the regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrency[From Investing article]: Scott Nelson, CEO of Sweetbridge, is optimistic that governments are getting closer to a comprehensive, regulatory framework and that globally we’re moving forward with laws that will help foster innovation and…
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ETHNews: Maduro Announces That Venezuelan Petro Will Fund Youth Bank
Friday, 04 May 2018 21:58
Venezuela’s president announced that 20 million petros, the country’s cryptocurrency, would be used to fund a bank for youth projects.
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