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ChampagneCrypto: MARKET MELTDOWN!
- Monday, 13 June 2022 14:34
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Crypto Zombie: ? BITCOIN BLOODBATH!!!!!!!!!!! Why Crypto Is About To Change FOREVER… [sad truth]
- Monday, 13 June 2022 15:52
BLOODY Monday for #Bitcoin and stocks. Why is $BTC dumping? New information comes to light and why #BTC and cryptocurrencies are about to change FOREVER…
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Intro Credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/cryptocurrencymemes/
⏰ *Timestamps:*
0:00 Intro
2:12 Bitcoin Fractal
3:16 Celsius News
5:11 What's Happening?
12:50 Bitcoin Analysis
21:16 DCA BTC
23:31 Thanks For Playing...
27:08 Final Thoughts
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Trade Cryptos on KuCoin ►► http://KuCoin.kdub.co
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DISCLAIMER: Crypto Zombie is not a financial advisor. This is not financial advice. Everything said in this video is the sole opinion of those who appear in it. The statements in this video are not investment or trading advice. This video is intended solely for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Always do your own research before investing. Trading cryptocurrencies is extremely risky. Do not trade on any exchange that prohibits trading from your geographical region. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. Crypto Zombie is not responsible for your losses or gains as a result of buying, selling, or trading cryptocurrencies. This video, description and/or comments may contain affiliate links. By utilizing any of the these links you are helping to support the channel as we do receive a commission. Thank you for your support!
WTF BITCOIN?!!?!!!?!!! IS THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?!!!!!! [hate to say this…...]
Watch this video again because it's awesome:
#BitcoinNews #cryptocurrency #altcoins #blockchain #cryptozombie #crypto #btc #bch #bsv #ethereum #eth #solana #ripple #xrp $BTC $ETH $XRP
Published in
Cointelegraph: Is this the final crypto market crash of 2022?
- Monday, 13 June 2022 16:24
What is going on in the crypto markets? What is causing prices to plummet? Will this be the final crash before we see any upside? Are people moving to safer investments? What does U.S. inflation have to do with it? In this special episode of The Market Report, Cointelegraph analysts and experts answer all these burning questions.
The content of this show does not constitute financial advice.
The Market Report | How to survive the beat market: https://youtu.be/0etDYwdEyXs
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Check out the latest crypto merch at the Cointelegraph Store: https://store.cointelegraph.com/
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#bearmarket #marketcrash #bitcoin #ethereum #cointelegraph #cryptocurrency
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Cointelegraph covers everything Bitcoin, bringing you the latest news, prices, breakthroughs, and analysis, with emphasis on expert opinion and commentary from the digital currency community.
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Dr. Hamed Esnaashari: Aktien: A U T S C H ! ! !
- Monday, 13 June 2022 14:42
Der Ausverkauf an den Aktienmärkten geht weiter. Warum kommt dieser Ausverkauf zu Stande und was könnte diese Bewegung beschleunigen oder abbremsen könnten. Wir beleuchten aus fundamentaler und technischer Sicht, worauf Trader und Investoren achten sollten.
►►► Täglich mit mir traden: https://www.formationstrader.de/plus-paket.html
Unser Premium-Service für alle, die konstant und entspannt traden wollen. Wie handeln die Großen und warum? Charts, News, Setups und System-Trading. Alles, was der spekulative Anleger braucht.
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00:00 Einleitung
00:47 Unser Portfolio
02:57 US-Indizes am Tief von Ende Mai
05:56 Erwartungen der nächsten Zinsentscheide
08:27 Was wir von der FED erwarten
08:52 Aussagen des chinesischen Verteidigungsministers
10:20 Bitcoin-Ausverkauf
12:36 Technische Sicht des Nasdaq
13:30 Bitcoin im Chartbild
#Aktien #Trading #Investment
Die Formationstrader GmbH (nachfolgende „Firma“) mit Sitz in 23554 Lübeck, Willy-Brandt-Allee 31 D, eingetragen im Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 17271 HL, hat die Geschäftstätigkeit der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungen BaFin gemäß WpHG §86 angezeigt. Diese Analyse ist eine Empfehlung der Firma, welche auf Basis der technischen Analyse und Fundamentalanalyse am 13.06.2022 erstellt wurde. Weiterführende Informationen zur verwendeten Analysemethode sind freizugänglich am Ende dieses Disclaimers zu finden. Die ausgesprochene Empfehlung ist ausdrücklich keine Anlageberatung und ist keine Handlungsaufforderung ein Wertpapier oder andere Finanzprodukte zu kaufen, verkaufen oder zu halten. Die Firma weisst den Nutzer darauf hin, dass persönliche Anlageentscheidung auf eigene Verantwortung getroffen werden und nur ein regulierter Anlageberater die individuellen Anlageziele und Risikoneigung im Rahmen einer Anlageberatung in Betracht ziehen kann. An der Erstellung dieser Empfehlung wirkten die folgenden Personen mit: a) Dr. Hamed Esnaashari (Geschäftsführer), b) Nicolas Schulz (Trading-Desk Assistant). Mögliche Interessenskonflikte der Firma, beziehungsweise der beteiligten Personen im Rahmen dieser Empfehlung …
liegen bei Bitcoin und dem Nasdaq nicht vor (es werden weder von der Firma noch von den handelnden Personen Positionen im analysierten Wertpapier bzw. Underlying gehalten. Darüber hinaus gibt es keine persönlichen oder wirtschaftlichen Interessen gegenüber dem Wertpapier bzw. Underlying).
In der Empfehlung bezieht sich die Firma auf folgende, von der Firma geprüften und als vertrauenswürdig eingeschätzte Quellen:
Für eine Richtigkeit der hier dargelegten Quellen können wir dennoch keine Garantie übernehmen.
Etwaige Kursziele bzw. Handlungsempfehlungen werden innerhalb dieser Publikation genannt. Aktuell plant die Firma keine weitere Analyse zu diesem Wertpapier bzw. Underlying.
Alle erstellten Empfehlungen der Firma, bzw. der beteiligten Personen der letzten 12 Monate finden sie unter folgendem Link:
Nachdruck oder Kopien der hier veröffentlichten Empfehlung ist nur mit Verweis auf http://www.formationstrader.de/ erlaubt.
Die Firma schliesst die Haftung für materielle oder nicht-materielle Verluste oder Schäden aus. Der Nutzer wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass der Handel mit Aktien, Fonds, Anleihen, Devisen, Kryptowährungen, Derivaten (inkl. CFDs, Zertifikaten, Futures, Optionen) und anderen, hier nicht weiter aufgeführten Wertpapieren erheblichen Kursschwankungen und damit grossen Risiken unterworfen ist, die zu Verlusten bis hin zum Totalverlust führen können.
Unseren vollständigen Riskdisclaimer können Sie unter folgendem Link einsehen:
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Rethinking The Dollar: Top Headlines of the Day (RTD News Update)
- Monday, 13 June 2022 15:21
Thanks for watching this RTD New Update. Subscribe & click the ? icon to be notified of future video uploads. Join us for the next live on air, and bring a topic.
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Download the FREE copy of "Gold & Economic Freedom" by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, reposted on the RTD website: https://www.rethinkingthedollar.com/gold.
Download a FREE copy of the new eBook, "5 Reasons To Hold Precious Metals Before the Next Recession, " to determine how to preserve your purchasing power before the next market crash. http://bit.ly/5ReasonsEbook
"Get Your Emergency Calories Up" - ***40% Off*** Emergency Food Prep w/ 1,854 Calories a day for as little as $4.00 a meal for food insurance: (Amazon Affiliate) - https://amzn.to/3xtH5VT
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DISCLAIMER: The financial and political opinions expressed in this video are those of the guest and not necessarily of "Rethinking the Dollar." Views expressed in this video should not be relied on for making investment decisions or tax advice and do not constitute personalized investment advice. The information shared is for the sole purpose of education and entertainment.
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Rethinking The Dollar: Monday Night Live Talk: Filtering Through The Noise (Set a reminder to join us live)
- Monday, 13 June 2022 15:48
Thanks for watching this RTD Live Talk. Subscribe & click the ? icon to be notified of future video uploads. Join us for the next live on air, and bring a topic.
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Watch the De-dollarization video archives here: https://www.rethinkingthedollar.com/dedollarization
Download the "Changing of the Monetary Order" infographic to share:
Download the FREE copy of "Gold & Economic Freedom" by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, reposted on the RTD website: https://www.rethinkingthedollar.com/gold.
Download a FREE copy of the new eBook, "5 Reasons To Hold Precious Metals Before the Next Recession, " to determine how to preserve your purchasing power before the next market crash. http://bit.ly/5ReasonsEbook
"Get Your Emergency Calories Up" - ***40% Off*** Emergency Food Prep w/ 1,854 Calories a day for as little as $4.00 a meal for food insurance: (Amazon Affiliate) - https://amzn.to/3xtH5VT
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Top RTD recommendations and resources:
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4. Get the lowest-priced precious metals on the internet:
5. RTD Crisis Reports (Alternative Perspective On Finances & World Events)
DISCLAIMER: The financial and political opinions expressed in this video are those of the guest and not necessarily of "Rethinking the Dollar." Views expressed in this video should not be relied on for making investment decisions or tax advice and do not constitute personalized investment advice. The information shared is for the sole purpose of education and entertainment.
Published in
CoinDesk: Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey Launch ‘Bitcoin Academy’
- Monday, 13 June 2022 15:00
Residents of the Marcy Houses, a public housing complex in Brooklyn, New York, where rapper Jay-Z grew up, will have the opportunity to take free Bitcoin education classes. This new crypto education project will be funded by Jay-Z and Jack Dorsey. "The Hash" team discusses how classes about crypto and blockchain may advance underserved communities.
#consensus2022 #digitalfinance #crypto
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CoinDesk is the leading digital media, events and information services company for the crypto asset and blockchain technology community.
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Son of a Tech: 132 - Why is Crypto Crashing?
- Monday, 13 June 2022 14:42
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Cointelegraph: CeDeFi, MetaFi, TradFi, and other opportunities for crypto hodlers | AMA with YouHodler
- Friday, 10 June 2022 11:48
This livestream AMA is sponsored by YouHodler.
Joining us in this AMA will be Ilya Volkov, CEO of YouHodler. The topics we will go through include security, sustainability, new coins and new features. Rachel Wolfson and Ilya will make sure to cover anything related to the functions of YouHodler, the benefits of using the wallet, and how it will further develop its load system while servicing crypto communities. Join us to know more!
Please stay tuned for the most convenient social media
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Cointelegraph covers everything Bitcoin, bringing you the latest news, prices, breakthroughs, and analysis, with emphasis on expert opinion and commentary from the digital currency community.
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CNBC Crypto Trader: Could Celsius Destroy All of Crypto? Few Altcoins will survive!
- Monday, 13 June 2022 12:57
The Ultimate Crypto Market Implosion is underway, and some startling data suggests that Celsius may be the primary cause. Bitcoin has now lost its previous lows, and is rapidly approaching the $21,000 level. Will this get much worse or will Bitcoin manage to bounce in the low 20’s. On todays Crypto Banter live show Ran uncovers the top reasons the market is in free fall and why you need top watch for one important signal before deploying free capital.
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Host: Ran
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? - Giveaway claims
[email protected]
Special thanks to:
? DJ Asher Swissa
- Track: https://bit.ly/336wtix
- Channel: https://bit.ly/31soP1j
? Marc Rebillet
- Track: https://bit.ly/3pXQW21
- Channel: https://bit.ly/332zhx9
Crypto Banter is a social podcast for entertainment purposes only.
All opinions expressed by the hosts, guests and callers should not be construed as financial advice. Views expressed by guests and hosts do not reflect the views of the station. Listeners are encouraged to do their own research.
#Bitcoin #Crypto #Altcoins
00:00 Crypto Market Capitulation
00:45 How Bad Can it Get?
01:15 Intro
02:30 Market Collapsing
03:10 Shorting RUNE
04:30 Crypto Market Update
05:00 Bigger Than a Crypto Collapse
05:20 FMOC Meeting Upcoming
06:00 Luna Collapse
06:27 US Stock Market Charts
07:20 US Dollar Index (DXY)
08:23 Bitcoin Price Today
09:30 Bitcoin Dominance
10:25 Bitcoin Price Capitulation Candle
11:20 What to Do Now?
12:50 Crypto Market News
13:14 What is Celsius?
14:10 Crypto Total Market Cap Collapse
14:50 Taking Risk Now
15:30 Big Companies Are Down
16:40 Celsius Exposure to Luna
Published in
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Our main goal is to make crypto grow by making news and information more accessible for the masses.