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World Crypto Network: Installing Lightning lnd ~ Open Source Everything
- Friday, 14 September 2018 21:33
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Crypto Cast Network: Bitcoin Matters # 2 - KYC/AML Regulations
- Friday, 14 September 2018 20:03
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In this episode of Bitcoin Matters Beautyon (@beautyon_) from azte.co explores the history and meaning behind kyc/aml regulations.
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Cointelegraph: Bitcoin in Switzerland | Cointelegraph Documentary
- Friday, 14 September 2018 16:47
There are rumblings around the world that Switzerland is becoming the crypto capital of the world. We traveled to the country to find out.
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Cointelegraph covers everything Bitcoin, bringing you the latest news, prices, breakthroughs, and analysis, with emphasis on expert opinion and commentary from the digital currency community.
Bitcoin in Switzerland
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Crypto Heidi: Raustin Memon @Bee Token | Decentralized Home Sharing: Get People Comfortable to Use Tokens
- Friday, 14 September 2018 17:37
My name is Raustin Memon, the Head of Marketing at the Bee Token what we're doing is decentralized home sharing. So similar to Airbnb, but we offer a peer to peer booking system. So there are no fees compared to Airbnb or other vacation rental sites that charge anywhere from 10 to 20%.
What's the difference other than people can book rooms with a token?
So there's, there are a few good benefits there. So one is that anytime you want to make a platform decentralized, like a marketplace, there are these things that you need. So if you have an issue on Airbnb, you contact the Airbnb, and they'll do the best that they can solve that dispute, we have to build it in into our actual protocol. So it's an arbitration protocol that effectively works as customer service when there isn't someone to call. So it's a unique and novel way of solving problems that not only applied to just our be nest, which is the home sharing platform but any other marketplace or protocol that wanted to build a decentralized app, if someone wanted a decentralized Uber or decentralized Craigslist, they could use our protocols. The token can be used in our system. The token also contains the value of the company.
So maybe I'll give an example of Airbnb was. So I was in Colombia in December, and I had an issue where I made a book in one day before, and I made the booking, and it was it went through, and the woman that owned the apartment messaged me and said, Oh, I accidentally booked it to a friend. It's not available right now. But I can't cancel it. This is what the host says. So I had to cancel it. And I got charged the fee. And then I had to email at Airbnb. And it was this whole convoluted process. But you know, that's just the way it works. In our situation, what would happen was, you would file a dispute to say, like, in my situation, where it didn't work out, I would file the dispute. And what we would have is, people within the community that are token holders would effectively get messaged saying, Do you want to participate as the jury on the system. And they're incentivized with the little tokens, a few tokens as well. So that way, they take part in it. But the great thing about this whole system is that they're completely independent. And like, they're not biased, where if it was Airbnb, or Uber, or Facebook, they have like one party that they want to make sure that they keep happy. So in this case, it's completely independent people that want resolution for the situation.
How long do you think people will get comfortable to use tokens?
2-3 years.
What's the stage of the company?
30,000 users
Capital raised?
18 people in SF
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Off Chain with Jimmy Song: 3 reasons why nobody uses Dapps
- Friday, 14 September 2018 19:13
Dapps get a lot of hype, but there's very little incentive for people to use them.
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Vincent Briatore: ?BitPay CCO says 'Altcoins are Dead.' Is he right?
- Friday, 14 September 2018 17:28
BitPay CCO Sonny Singh recently stated 'Altcoin will never recover' during an interview with Bloomberg. Ii wanted to discuss his points and see what you guys think!
#cryptocurrencynews #altcoins #blockchain
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Crypto Zombie: “Crypto Will Absolutely Grow 1000x!!!” Is The Worst Behind Us..?
- Friday, 14 September 2018 17:53
CZ from Binance believes “crypto will absolutely 1000x and more,” Mike Novogratz calls the bottom, Google removes crypto wallets, Brave Browser vs Google, Ethereum sharding, crypto news, and more!
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0:22 Markets
2:27 Mysterious BTC Whale: https://www.newsbtc.com/2018/09/13/fake-fud-blamed-for-market-slump-one-bitcoin-whale-proves-otherwise/
3:20 Bloomberg Chart: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-13/mystery-of-the-2-billion-bitcoin-whale-that-fueled-a-selloff?utm_source=google&utm_medium=bd&cmpId=google
3:54 Mike Novogratz calls bottom: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/13/michael-novogratz-calls-a-bottom-in-cryptocurrencies.html
4:32 Altcoins will never recover: https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitpay-cco-predicts-altcoins-to-never-come-back-bitcoin-to-rebound-in-2019
6:00 CZ: Crypto WILL 1000x: https://www.ccn.com/binance-ceo-zhao-crypto-market-will-absolutely-grow-1000x-and-more/
7:19 Google removes crypto wallets: https://thenextweb.com/hardfork/2018/09/13/google-removes-cryptocurrency-wallets/
7:58 Brave Browser (BAT) vs Google: http://www.blockchainreporter.net/2018/09/14/bat-parent-company-files-privacy-breach-lawsuit-against-google/
9:25 Ethereum (ETH) closer to sharding: https://www.coindesk.com/ethereums-vlad-zamfir-claims-breakthrough-in-blockchain-sharding/
10:30 AION wallet: https://blog.aion.network/aion-desktop-wallets-9e02493dcc8d
10:54 ARK Mobile Wallet v1.2: https://blog.aion.network/aion-desktop-wallets-9e02493dcc8d
11:21 Quoine (QASH) Liquid: https://www.investinblockchain.com/liquid-platform-launch/
12:14 Vechain (VET) demo: https://twitter.com/wazapepe/status/1040283267075899394
12:35 Banyan Network (BBN) updates: https://i.redd.it/f4v1vvxvs5m11.jpg
12:52 How to use Seedit: https://twitter.com/GoSeedit/status/1040598401941827584
13:10 Bitconnect (BCC) is dead: https://cryptovest.com/news/tradesatoshi-to-delist-bitconnect-amid-indications-of-comeback-in-social-media/
14:02 Switcheo (SWTH) to launch ERC-20 trading! https://twitter.com/SwitcheoNetwork/status/1040125777230974976?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Eembeddedtimeline%7Ctwterm%5Eprofile%3Aswitcheonetwork%7Ctwgr%5E373939313b636f6e74726f6c%7Ctwcon%5Etimelinechrome&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcoinmarketcap.com%2Fcurrencies%2Fswitcheo%2F
14:58 Last call for ICON (ICX) swap: https://twitter.com/DecryptoBL/status/1040422218243563520
15:25 Min Kim Interview: https://youtu.be/L9Dmag93I7g
15:41 High Performance Blockchain (HPB) Mainnet swap: https://youtu.be/i3F9daAm4nA
16:20 5 blockchains to disrupt real industries: https://bitcoinexchangeguide.com/heres-5-blockchain-technology-projects-set-to-disrupt-real-industries/
16:59 Vitalik discusses on-chain governance: https://youtu.be/w-CH_5il9aU
19:20 Safety: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/13/google-email-fraud-fighter-mark-risher-how-hackers-target-you.html
19:51 DeStream to use Lighting Network: https://www.bitcoinlightning.com/destream-implements-lightning-network/
20:31 Good news: https://bittpress.com/one-of-americas-top-banks-jumps-on-cryptocurrency-bandwagon/1429/?utm_source=Reddit&utm_medium=Referral&utm_campaign=Mark
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Return of Satoshi Nakamoto? Bancor Security Breach! Ledger LIVE | $BTC Prediction: $100 Million
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JW Weatherman: Does Islam Create Terrorists? A JW Weatherman Red Pill
- Friday, 14 September 2018 18:00
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Decentralized TV: NEWS | Half all ICOs fail to raise funds
- Friday, 14 September 2018 18:30
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Music by Charles Giovanniello, a Bitcoin Pub community member!
Note: This is not financial advice as all investing is speculative. Have fun and good luck!
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Some More News: EXCLUSIVE: The Boars Are Coming For Us - A SPECIAL NEWS
- Friday, 14 September 2018 16:20
The boars are back in town! After a special investigative report on a show from which this show is legally distinct, it appears as though the boars know we're onto them. They have upped their game. They are *coming for us*, and the people must be told.
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