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BITCOIN GOLDEN BUYING OPPORTUNITY ONLY COMES AROUND ONCE IN A LIFETIME WITH 100% PREVIOUS SUCCESS RATE!!!!! THIS PROVES BITCOIN BOTTOM AND BULL MARKET STARTS NOW!!!!! 10% OFF TOKENMETRICS - **I will not contact you, PM you or reply to your comments, that is a SCAMMER!** **I will NOT contact you about marketing, that is a SCAMMER!** Beware of scammers on LinkedIn, Telegram and Twitter - the email below is the only account that I use! EMAIL on YouTube About Page To appease money-hungry lawyers and irresponsible people, it should be known that I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR and THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE. I am merely educating and entertaining. What you do with your own money is your own responsibility. Seek the counsel of an intelligent financial advisor (good luck finding one) before investing yours or anyone else’s money. #bitcoin #crypto #cryptocurrency #altcoins #defi #altseason #metaverse #nft #dao #twitter
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?25% Off Beginner Trading Course! ? 25% OFF coupon: JuicyDiscount ?Advanced Trading Course - Exocharts Orderflow Market Profile? ?Join my VIP Patreon? ?Trade on ByBit ? ?Start Trading on PHEMEX? ?Start Trading With Market Cipher ? ?Follow me on TikTok ? ?Follow me on Twitter? ?Join my Free Discord? #scalping #bitcoinprice #cryptonews ************************* DISCLAIMER: All of the content available through this channel is for educational purposes only. This is not financial advice and Jayson Casper is not liable for the outcomes of your investments or trades. Make sure you understand the risks involved in trading and investing by consulting a professional financial adviser, accountant or tax professional, and/or lawyer. Jayson Casper and employees or representatives will NEVER manage or offer to manage a customer or individual's binary options, options, stocks, cryptocurrencies, currencies, futures, forex, or any financial markets or securities account. If someone claiming to represent or be associated with Jayson Casper solicits you for money or offers to manage your trading account, do not provide any personal information and contact us immediately. I DO NOT HAVE A TELEGRAM OR WHATS APP ACCOUNT - BEWARE OF SCAMMERS!
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⬇How To Stake Your Cardano In Minutes With Crypto Capital Venture!⬇ Stake Your ADA With Ticker: CCV1 ➡ Cardano has had a crazy year in terms of ADA price, and we have consistently tracked certain data points on the Cardano charts waiting for bullish confirmation. While ADA is not there just yet, it is getting close to at least seeing a rally for Cardano price. ⚡ Follow Dan On Twitter ⚡ Crypto Capital Venture New - Cycles of Bitcoin - ☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰☰ *Crypto Capital Venture does not guarantee or make any representations or claims to any particular amount of staking rewards that you will earn through delegating your Cardano. Any return that the protocol disburses to you is decided by the protocol. You are not investing your Cardano with Crypto Capital Venture. Delegating to a Crypto Capital Venture stake pool does not involve transferring or legally assigning the Cardano or the rights thereof. Crypto Capital Venture simply serves as a validator and provides community members a way to delegate to the Cardano Protocol consensus mechanism. All staking percentage rates and all rules and parameters are decided by the Cardano protocol. *The above video references an opinion and is for news/information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice, financial advice, or any solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer that you buy or sell any cryptocurrency or securities. Trading in cryptocurrencies and securities is a high risk activity involving risk of loss so please seek a duly licensed professional for investment or financial advice. The information provided on this video should not be used to make any investment or financial decisions without consulting your financial or investment advisor. This video contains my opinion only and is not intended to cause harm or defame anyone or any entity. Crypto Capital Venture is big on tracking bitcoin market in particular. The general premise of technical analysis videos on Crypto Capital Venture is that although Bitcoin price price moves very in a very volatile way, there is much opportunity in being prepared for upside and downside. We also cover Bitcoin news on this channel as it comes out. #crypto #cardano #btc #cryptocurrency #cryptocapitalventure #blockchain #finance #stock #investment #crypto #altcoin bitcoin, decentralized, altcoins, altcoin, top altcoin, best altcoin, crypto, cryptocurrency, buy cryptocurrency, invest bitcoin, buy bitcoin, best altcoin, cardano, ada,
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Looking for an entertaining, trustworthy, unbiased opinion on bitcoin and open blockchains? This is it. During this livestream Andreas will answer questions about bitcoin and open blockchains, like Ethereum and the lightning network. Andreas never talks investment but if you want to learn about the technology then don't miss this event. BECOME a Patreon Community Builder: JOIN this YouTube channel: LEARN from Andreas in one of his popular Workshops which will teach you practical crypto skills. There’s even a FREE Intro to Bitcoin & Open Blockchains to get you started. You can also learn from one of aantonop's many books. Andreas has written three technical books for developers about blockchain technology, Mastering Bitcoin, Mastering Ethereum, and Mastering the Lightning Network (2021) published by O’Reilly Media. He’s also written The Internet of Money Series books, which explain why bitcoin, ethereum, and open blockchains matter. Learn more at #Bitcoin #BitcoinEducation #BitcoinQ&A

VoskCoin: Helium Mining SUCKS NOW

  • Sunday, 05 June 2022 19:00
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It’s true. HIP-51 has potentially ruined the prospect of Helium HNT mining. This recent proposal will change the way the Helium HNT coin is mined, and if you are a Helium miner, you HAVE to understand this and how it will affect your mining & earnings. Sub to VoskCoin! Get $250 in Bitcoin for free with this Blocki link! If you still want to buy a Helium Miner, here’s 10% off one that ships TODAY - Nova Labs blog post regarding the new Helium ecosystem & HIP 51 (full article) - Despite its immense growth, the Helium network seems to have abandoned the miners that gave it the initial success it needed. The most recent news surrounding HIP-51 and its shift to a “network of networks” has brought with it a huge uproar from the mining community. The changes this proposal brings will change Helium mining forever, and not necessarily for the best. Let’s take a deep dive into what is going on with this new HIP, how it will affect you as a Helium miner, and how you can cast your vote if you would like to, regarding this proposal. Get $25 for free with CryptoCom and trade HNT - Check out Network Bit’s video regarding this update - Our first look at the light hotspot change - VoskCoinTalk Helium Mining Wiki - Join the BEST Helium mining Discord - What I WISH I knew before I started mining Helium - ⏰ Timestamps ⏰ 00:00 Helium mining sucks now? 01:01 Why Is the Helium network getting worse? 02:39 What does HIP 51 mean for the Helium network? 04:50 DAOs and new network protocols 07:13 Voting on the proposals unfair? 08:11 Is the proposal purposely obfuscated? 09:55 A rug on all existing miners? 11:23 What does HIP 52 and 53 mean for the Helium network? 13:43 Regretting buying my Helium miners? 15:55 What is the future of Helium mining? Follow us on our official social media accounts - VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make. #PassiveIncome​​ #Mining​​ #Helium​​ #VoskCoin​​ #hnt​​ #thepeoplesnetwork​​ #iot​​ #internetofthings​​ #lora​​ #cryptocurrency​​ #investing​​​​ #heliumhnt #lighthotspots
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Terra’s new blockchain will be launched Saturday followed by an airdrop of new luna tokens to users as part of a broader plan to revive the failing ecosystem. "The Hash" panel discusses the fate of Terra and whether it can successfully come back from the dead. Subscribe to CoinDesk on YouTube: Site: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Newsletters: CoinDesk Podcast Network: Markets Daily Crypto Roundup: CoinDesk is the leading digital media, events, and information services company for the crypto asset and blockchain technology community. #CryptoNews
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? Learn Technical Analysis with The Chart Guys! ? Our goal is to review and discuss the most recent price action in the market in a manner that makes it useful to you. Using Technical Analysis, we perform an indepth review of the action in the stock market today and try provide you with our analysis on current patterns, developing trends, and our take on where the market is headed. Our Focus includes - Technical Analysis - Trade Education - Trend and Pattern Analysis - Market Psychology - Emotional and Mental Health Follow us on Twitter ? We're on Facebook! ? #thechartguys #technical analysis #crypto #bitcoin #stocks
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Die europäische Inflation könnte bereits am Peak sein. Warum das so ist und welches Ereignis dafür ausschlaggebend sein kann, ist Bestandteil der heutigen Ausgabe. Wir beleuchten aus fundamentaler und technischer Sicht, worauf es für Trader und Investoren ankommt. ►►► Täglich mit mir traden: Unser Premium-Service für alle, die konstant und entspannt traden wollen. Wie handeln die Großen und warum? Charts, News, Setups und System-Trading. Alles, was der spekulative Anleger braucht. ►►► Investieren aber richtig: Schauen Sie mir und meinem Team live dabei über die Schultern, wie wir konsequent, nachhaltig und mit exzellentem Timing ein großes Investitionsdepot aufbauen. ►►► Endlich erfolgreich traden: Mein seit über 10 Jahren konstant, erfolgreiches Trading-System erlernen und selbst anwenden. Mit Geldrückgabe-Garantie und 0% Finanzierung. 00:00 Einleitung 00:15 BofA zur EZB-Zinserhebung 01:08 Warum die Inflation am Peak sein könnte 06:44 Wie der Ölpreis fallen könnte 08:01 S&P500 im Chartbild 09:03 Saudi Arabien zur Öl-Produktion 10:21 Widerstandszonen am Aktienmarkt #Aktien #EU #inflation Die Formationstrader GmbH (nachfolgende „Firma“) mit Sitz in 23554 Lübeck, Willy-Brandt-Allee 31 D, eingetragen im Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Lübeck, HRB 17271 HL, hat die Geschäftstätigkeit der Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungen BaFin gemäß WpHG §86 angezeigt. Diese Analyse ist eine Empfehlung der Firma, welche auf Basis der technischen Analyse und Fundamentalanalyse am 03.06.2022 erstellt wurde. Weiterführende Informationen zur verwendeten Analysemethode sind freizugänglich am Ende dieses Disclaimers zu finden. Die ausgesprochene Empfehlung ist ausdrücklich keine Anlageberatung und ist keine Handlungsaufforderung ein Wertpapier oder andere Finanzprodukte zu kaufen, verkaufen oder zu halten. Die Firma weisst den Nutzer darauf hin, dass persönliche Anlageentscheidung auf eigene Verantwortung getroffen werden und nur ein regulierter Anlageberater die individuellen Anlageziele und Risikoneigung im Rahmen einer Anlageberatung in Betracht ziehen kann. An der Erstellung dieser Empfehlung wirkten die folgenden Personen mit: a) Dr. Hamed Esnaashari (Geschäftsführer), b) Nicolas Schulz (Trading-Desk Assistant). In der Empfehlung bezieht sich die Firma auf folgende, von der Firma geprüften und als vertrauenswürdig eingeschätzte Quellen: Bloomberg Terminal Für eine Richtigkeit der hier dargelegten Quellen können wir dennoch keine Garantie übernehmen. Etwaige Kursziele bzw. Handlungsempfehlungen werden innerhalb dieser Publikation genannt. Aktuell plant die Firma keine weitere Analyse zu diesem Wertpapier bzw. Underlying. Alle erstellten Empfehlungen der Firma, bzw. der beteiligten Personen der letzten 12 Monate finden sie unter folgendem Link: Nachdruck oder Kopien der hier veröffentlichten Empfehlung ist nur mit Verweis auf erlaubt. Die Firma schliesst die Haftung für materielle oder nicht-materielle Verluste oder Schäden aus. Der Nutzer wird ausdrücklich darauf hingewiesen, dass der Handel mit Aktien, Fonds, Anleihen, Devisen, Kryptowährungen, Derivaten (inkl. CFDs, Zertifikaten, Futures, Optionen) und anderen, hier nicht weiter aufgeführten Wertpapieren erheblichen Kursschwankungen und damit grossen Risiken unterworfen ist, die zu Verlusten bis hin zum Totalverlust führen können. Chartanalyse Wir analysieren die Märkte, Assetklassen und Basiswerte aufgrund von typischen Chartmustern und Formationen in unterschiedlichen Zeiträumen. Hierbei lassen wir zudem Signale von ausgewählten und allgemein bekannten Indikatoren und Oszillatoren gemäß unserem eigens entwickelten Formationstrader-Handelssystems einfließen. Durch die Bewertung und Kombination dieser Einflussfaktoren versuchen wir, die zukünftige für uns wahrscheinlichere Kursentwicklung zu antizipieren und Trends zu erkennen. Fundamentalanalyse Wir bewerten Unternehmensdaten und allgemein bekannte betriebswirtschaftliche Kennzahlen, um hiermit die Ertragskraft und den Erfolg einen Unternehmens ableiten zu können. Dabei legen wir nach unserem Handelssystem fest, welche Einzelwerte im Vergleich zu Ihrem aktuellen Aktienkurs besonders unter- bzw. überbewertet sind. Zudem führen wir einen Sektorvergleich durch und lassen die aktuellen Markttrends einfließen.
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Today let's talk about Bitcoin breaking out of its 9-week losing streak. Is Bitcoin finally ready to recover? ?Buy Bitcoin, NFTs and Stocks with FTX - (Mobile) / (Desktop) ?Earn 12.6% APY w/ Deposits and Trade Crypto w/ Vauld: ?Buy Bitcoin & Crypto with IRA/401k Tax-Free ($100 Bonus) ?Blockfi Bitcoin Reward (1.5% Back in BTC) Credit Card: ?Try Blockfi's Wallet and Earn $250 Bonus ?Buy Crypto Domain Names with Unstoppable Domains: ✨ File Crypto Taxes the Easy Way with CoinTracking: ?Protect Yourself with NordVPN (73% off) ?CryptosRus' Best Crypto Exchanges Guide: ?CryptosRus' Best Crypto Deals: ?CryptosRus' Crypto Academy: ?CryptosRus's Merchandise, NFTs and Articles: ➡️Join Patreon for Exclusive Content and Discord Chat: Follow CRU on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram ?CryptosRus Clips Channel: ?Check out the latest News, Articles, and Guides: ?TikTok ?Twitter ?Twitter News Desk ?Facebook ?Instagram Official Partners Who Sponsor This Channel: FTX US, BlockFi, ITrustCapital, Vauld, NordVPN, CoinTracking, Unstoppable Domains 0:00 Intro 0:50 Market Overview 1:10 Fear and Greed 2:30 Break The Streak 4:10 Fudsters 5:45 Responsability 7:20 1 Year Down 8:40 Supply Rate Of Change 10:15 Whales Stacking 11:10 ETH Addresses 12:10 Chainlink 14:215 Q&A 15:05 CPI Numbers 16:00 Q&A ?Full Disclaimer: This video and its contents are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an offer to sell or trade, a solicitation to buy, or recommendation for any security, cryptocurrency, or related product, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advice or other related services by CryptosRUs. CryptosRus may have a financial investment with the cryptocurrencies discussed in this video. In preparing this video, no individual financial or investment needs of the viewer have been taken into account nor is any financial or investment advice being offered. Any views expressed in this video were prepared based upon the information available at the time such views were written. Changed or additional information could cause such views to change. #bitcoin #btc #crypto
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CoinDesk Markets Reporter Damanick Dantes shares insights into trends in bitcoin's price as the cryptocurrency's dominance over the crypto market soars and investor interest in the alts wanes. Plus, the bitcoin-stock market decoupling and BTC's support/resistance levels to watch. Subscribe to CoinDesk on YouTube: Site: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: Newsletters: CoinDesk Podcast Network: Markets Daily Crypto Roundup: CoinDesk is the leading digital media, events, and information services company for the crypto asset and blockchain technology community. #CryptoNews
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