Hshare (HSR)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
Hshare in four Words"Blockchain switchboard" Source: Nate Murray - Techcrunch 2017In their own wordsThe New Standard of ValueMarket CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: BINANCE:HSRBTC quotes by TradingView new TradingView.MediumWidget( { "container_id": "tv-medium-widget", "symbols": [ [ "BINANCE:HSRBTC", "BINANCE:HSRBTC|1m" ] ], "greyText": "Quotes by", "gridLineColor": "#e9e9ea", "fontColor": "#83888D",…
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Komodo (KMD)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
Komodo in four Words"Decentralized ICOs" Source: Nate Murray - Techcrunch 2017In their own wordsThe Komodo Platform focuses on providing complete end-to-end blockchain solutions for developers of any level and any industry. It is simple yet powerful, offering customized blockchain solutions that are easy to deploy, and configurable…
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0x (ZRX)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
0x in four Words"Decentralized exchange" Source: Nate Murray - Techcrunch 2017In their own wordsAn Open Protocol For Decentralized Exchange On The Ethereum BlockchainMarket CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: BITFINEX:ZRXUSD quotes by TradingView new TradingView.MediumWidget( { "container_id": "tv-medium-widget", "symbols": [ [ "BITFINEX:ZRXUSD", "BITFINEX:ZRXUSD|1m" ] ], "greyText": "Quotes…
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ZClassic (ZCL)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
In their own wordsZero-knowledge proving scheme is a decentralized and open-source technology that offers privacy and selective transparency of transactions. Zclassic is a fork of Zcash: (@HeyRhett) decided to take another path by removing the 20% fee. Miners are simply earning their fair reward, we believe they…
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Veritaseum (VERI)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
Veritaseum in four Words"Vaporware" Source: Nate Murray - Techcrunch 2017In their own wordsVeritaseum enables software-driven P2P capital markets without brokerages, banks or traditional exchangesMarket CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: HITBTC:VERIUSD quotes by TradingView new TradingView.MediumWidget( { "container_id": "tv-medium-widget", "symbols": [ [ "HITBTC:VERIUSD", "HITBTC:VERIUSD|1m" ] ], "greyText":…
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Augur (REP)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
Augur in four Words"Decentralized prediction market" Source: Nate Murray - Techcrunch 2017In their own wordsAugur is a decentralized prediction market built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows you to forecast events and be rewarded for predicting them correctly.Market CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: KRAKEN:REPETH quotes by…
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Waltonchain (WTC)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
Waltonchain in four Words"IoT Blockchain" Source: Nate Murray - Techcrunch 2017In their own wordsWaltonchain is the only truly decentralized platform combining blockchain with the Internet of Things (IoT) via RFID technology. Their unique, patented RFID chips are able to read/write directly to the blockchain without human intervention,…
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