IOStoken (IOST)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
In their own wordsThe IOS (Internet of Services) provides a next-generation, decentralized ecosystem for service providers and users with fast and safeguarded transactions based on blockchain technology.Market CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: BINANCE:IOSTBTC quotes by TradingView new TradingView.MediumWidget( { "container_id": "tv-medium-widget", "symbols": [ [ "BINANCE:IOSTBTC", "BINANCE:IOSTBTC|1m"…
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Aion (AION)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
In their own wordsMainstream, at scale, adoption of blockchain technology is constrained by unsolved questions of scalability, privacy, and interoperability. The Aion Network is a multi-tier blockchain system designed to address these challenges.Market CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: BINANCE:AIONBTC quotes by TradingView new TradingView.MediumWidget( { "container_id":…
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Kyber Network (KNC)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
KingN Coin in four Words"Decentralized exchange" Source: Nate Murray - Techcrunch 2017In their own wordsWallet - kyber.networkMarket CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: BINANCE:KNCBTC quotes by TradingView new TradingView.MediumWidget( { "container_id": "tv-medium-widget", "symbols": [ [ "BINANCE:KNCBTC", "BINANCE:KNCBTC|1m" ] ], "greyText": "Quotes by", "gridLineColor": "#e9e9ea", "fontColor": "#83888D", "underLineColor":…
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ReddCoin (RDD)
Thursday, 22 February 2018 19:39
In their own wordsReddcoin is the social currency that enriches people’s social lives and makes digital currency easy for the general public.Market CapPrice Chart Click for trading ideas: BITTREX:RDDBTC quotes by TradingView new TradingView.MediumWidget( { "container_id": "tv-medium-widget", "symbols": [ [ "BITTREX:RDDBTC", "BITTREX:RDDBTC|1m" ] ], "greyText": "Quotes by",…
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